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Upper Mississippi River
National Wildlife and Fish Refuge 1924   —— The First 100 Years ——  2024

Savanna-Area Events for 100th Refuge Anniversary

  • In Common Interest: A Story of the Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish Refuge, National Mississippi River Museum in Dubuque. Exhibit opens 20 April 2024, in conjunction with the "2024 Party for the Planet" at the Museum & Aquarium. The display will explore the origin-story of the Refuge through the unique partnerships of individuals, grassroots activism and Federal policies that came together in a common interest of conserving these wetlands. A passion project of conservation, together they created a refuge for both wildlife and people, which continues today. The exhibit is co-hosted by both the USFWS and the Izaak Walton League of America and will run for a year ( 20 April 2024 – 21 April 2025)

  • Living Lands and Water Barge Party, Thursday June 13, 2024 (note: links to 2023 event)

  • A Visit From Will Dilg, Jo Davies Conservation Foundation, August 23

  • Youth Fishing Clinic, September 21, 2024, at Frog Pond Unit, on Highway 84, south of Savanna, IL

    • Advance registration required
    • Mobility accessible
    • We will start with a fish identification program followed by fishing instruction and equipment distribution – then fishing!
  • Refuge bus and golf cart tours (year round, advance registration required)

  • 4th Friday Refuge Adventures, May-October (registration suggested)